5 things I would say to my 20-year old self — beoaklea

§ August 6th, 2014 § Filed under Uncategorized § No Comments

1. Unemployment happens. It isn’t the end of the world and you’re not a failure because of it.
2. Travel more. You’ll regret not dropping things and running in any, and every, direction while you aren’t tied down.
3. Let go of people that don’t lift you up. They wont support you when you really need it and will waste your time reaching your dream… even if they seem like they’re part of the “fun” crowd.
4. Know that you can still surprise yourself. Academically, emotionally, athletically, and financially in really positive ways.
5. Start a retirement fund by the time you turn 25. You’ll thank yourself for thinking ahead.
6. (to grow on) Read Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed. Cry hard, laugh hard, and give it to someone else who needs it too.

– Bryn Oakleaf

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